Radio Frequency ENGINEERING
Radio Frequency Engineering
nou Systems develops and analyzes novel radar concepts and applications. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers uses modeling and simulation as well as rapid prototyping to develop, analyze and test new radar capability, including hardware and algorithms.
nou Systems developed a powerful radar simulation tool, nouRadar, to quickly assess the capability of new radars for the Advanced Technology Directorate of the Missile Defense Agency. This allowed our customer to obtain needed insight into the capabilities and limitations of newly proposed radars in terms of how they could contribute to the overall missile defense mission. The analysis provided by our staff offered the customer much greater speed and insight than the customer’s previous solution. We have also developed novel radar algorithms for several customers within the Missile Defense Agency (including two Phase 2 SBIRs).
Our demonstrated understanding of complex multi-function radar systems can be applied to many additional customers and industries. The modeling tools we have developed can be employed to quickly simulate radar performance in terms of search, track, and discrimination. We have expertise modeling phased array antennas, interferometers, ground moving target indicator radars, and synthetic aperture radars. Our team is ready to solve challenging radar problems for any application, including defense, homeland security, aviation, weather, space tracking, and commercial.
Featured Project
In support of the Missile Defense Agency's Advanced Technology Directorate, nou Systems has developed Matlab-based radar modeling and analysis tools to carry out trade studies and to provide sensor support data for a customer-developed interceptor model. Using these tools, the team has carried out rapid assessments of single-face, fixed radars such as AN/TPY-2, multi-face radars such as UEWRs, and slewing radars like SBX. Key radar parameters (sensitivity, beam-width, frequency band, beam-width, duty, signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) were configured to meet the customer’s needs, including parameters for radar systems not yet fielded. The delivered tools can read high-fidelity RCS models and tactical trajectory files, and can write to a number of formats as needed by the customer.